Online Event
TE Academy Fellowship 2024

Awarding groundbreaking contributions to the token engineering domain!

TE Academy

Start Date

Apr 25, 2024
08:00AM UTC

End Date

Jul 10, 2024
06:00PM UTC
Program Overview

Important note

Applications for the TE Academy Fellowship Prize closed on April 18, 2024. Subscribe to our #TokenEngineeringReads newsletter to be notified of future opportunities!

🌎 Introduction

Token Engineering is the design, verification, and optimization of token-based systems. This new engineering field draws from computer science, game theory and mechanism design, systems engineering, data science, AI, behavioral economics, political science, and more. At Token Engineering Academy, we are dedicated to advancing this field by providing free education and opportunities for outstanding researchers and practitioners to showcase their work. We also support their financial needs and provide access to a network of influential supporters to boost their success.

🏆 The TE Academy Fellowship Prize

Are you pushing the boundaries in cryptoeconomics, tokenomics, Web3 incentive design, or token-based governance with your research or applied work? Are you eager to showcase and evolve your work and meet the sector’s most influential professionals and talented, motivated students? Apply now for the first-ever Token Engineering Academy Fellowship Prize! This program aims to foster and support cutting-edge token engineering research, applied work, and the development of open-source tools and resources with a $10K cash prize.

We are particularly interested in topics spanning four themes:
• Novel mechanisms and cryptoeconomic primitives for aligning incentives and capturing value in Web3 token networks
• Token-based governance frameworks and mechanisms, such as selection, ranking, and voting mechanisms
• Cutting-edge advancements in verification and optimization techniques
• Open-source tools and frameworks, including data analytics and AI applied to token engineering

The best part? Our Fellowship Prize is about giving as much as getting! Education is a positive sum game; we grow knowledge as we share it. We will select 2-5 candidates to be eligible for winning the TE Academy Fellowship prize. As a candidate, you will share your knowledge with our students via dedicated study sessions part of our Study Season program. Applying for our Fellowship is your chance for your work to become part of the shared body of knowledge in our domain. We’ll make your lectures and resources available to 4.5K + students and counting around the globe!

🌿 Who Can Apply

We invite all token engineering researchers and practitioners to apply. Relevant research or applied work fields include token design, tokenomics, token analytics, cryptoeconomics, mechanism design, governance design, and web3 business models.

🖋 Essentials for a Great Application

Start by telling us about your work in token engineering, whether it's research or practical applications, and share any projects you've been involved in recently. Furthermore, we're eager to hear your ideas on sharing this valuable knowledge with our students. Please provide a proposal, including a syllabus for 2-4 learning sessions, which can be lectures, interactive sessions, or any format you choose, lasting between 60-90 minutes each. You'll find a syllabus template here to help you get started.

Additionally, we'd like you to propose methods by which students can demonstrate the knowledge they've gained following your sessions. We're interested to hear your approach to validating learning outcomes and adding proofs of knowledge acquired in your study sessions to the ever-growing set of reputation proofs in our sector!

Please note that the Fellowship application deadline is Thursday, April 18, at 23:59 UTC.

đź’°Fellowship Prize Details

TE Academy will award the Fellowship winner a $10K prize, paid out in crypto stable tokens. This award aims to support the winner’s ongoing research and contributions to the token engineering discipline. Please note: the Fellowship winner must pass a KYC (Know Your Customer) process.

🗳️ Fellowship Winner Selection Process

The Fellowship winner selection process involves two steps. First, a committee will review all applications and select 2-5 candidates. These candidates will then conduct their study sessions as proposed in their applications. Second, the TE Academy community will vote to decide the Fellowship Winner! We’ll develop a Reputation-based Weighted Voting (RWV) mechanism with students during the Study Season program. This new mechanism will combine the number of votes with a voting weight defined by an individual voter’s proven track record in token engineering and related fields. Reputation-based Weighted Voting aims to become a new primitive in DAO governance accounting for voter reputation and achievements to complement 1token1vote and delegation mechanisms.

‼️Study Session Requirements

If selected as a Fellowship candidate, you will be required to run study sessions as proposed during the application process. We expect you to run a minimum of two sessions and a maximum of four sessions from May 7 to June 6, 2024. TE Academy will provide all the meeting infrastructure needed and inform Study Season participants so you can focus 100% on your study session content.

🗓️ Key Dates

Wednesday, April 3: Fellowship applications open
Monday, April 8: TE Academy Fellowship AMA session at 15:00 UTC
Thursday, April 18: TE Academy Fellowship applications close
Monday, April 22: Fellowship candidates will be notified of their application outcome

Tuesday, May 07: Fellowship candidates’ study sessions begin (dates/time TBD with Fellowship candidates)
Thursday, June 06: Fellowship candidates’ study sessions end (dates/time TBD with Fellowship candidates)
Monday, June 06 – June 24: Exams period, students mint free proof-of-knowledge NFTs

June 25 – July 09: Fellowship Prize winner voting
Tuesday, July 09: Fellowship winner announcement
Wednesday, July 10: EthCC Token Engineering Track Day
Mid-August: Winner completes KYC Process and receives Fellowship Prize pay out

➡️ How to Apply

Applications require a TE Academy account and submitting the Fellowship application form.
We’ll confirm that we’ve received your application with an email titled “Thank you for applying for the TE Academy Fellowship Prize! 🏆”

Do you have more questions? Check out our FAQ section below or email us at We look forward to your application!

Frequently Asked QuestionsFind out more about TE Academy, our mission, and our educational program in our FAQs.